Solar Eclipse 2017 linocut

Linocut and TuFu poem excerpt 

In my area we could experience a partial solar eclipse.   To commemorate the experience, I sent out this linocut to some friends.   NASA had lots of photos of previous eclipses to inspire this linocut.

And by chance, my local thrift store had a 1932 National Geographic that covered the solar eclipse from that year.  It was interesting to read about the effort and the experience of the people involved in documenting it back in 1932.

unaddressed envelope

For the envelope, I used another linocut which has various sized circles, to decorate the envelope with eclipses.  For the sun and moon, I used a cork to stamp the envelope with yellow and white circles.

A page from the magazine, my linocut all went into the envelope along with a usps solar eclipse stamp.   These were a lot of fun to put together!

For photos of my solar eclipse day, please visit my other blog:

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